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logical decision中文是什么意思

用"logical decision"造句"logical decision"怎么读"logical decision" in a sentence


  • 逻辑判定
  • 逻辑判断


  • Knowledge induction is the core of intellectualized - decision - supporting system , that is , a process in which , the obtained information results in logical decision rules and useful knowledge by the data analysis and induction
  • With the development of electronics and microcomputer , microprocessor - based protection has advanced . but much of than are just the republication of the electromechanical and electronic protection . many advantages of the computer , such as nunerical evaluation data storage and logical decision , is n ' t used
  • By the second method , neural network breakout prediction model are becoming popular and replacing previous logical decision ones in the world . this is due to the drawbacks of the logical decision breakout prediction , such as lack of robustness and error tolerability . in contrast to that , neural network has good self - learning ability , robustness , and can constantly increase the system performance with the increase of running time
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